What this is all about

Making everyday life experiences and activities (that may either be mundane or taken for granted) and adding a challenge to them.
It's about pushing comfort zones, learning new things and adapting to change.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

#14 - Glasses

Challenge: Wear glasses for one week.
This challenge started as a Halloween costume at work and became a week-long endeavor in solidarity with all other four-eyed creatures in the world. Technically, they weren’t spectacles, but rather white sunglasses with the lenses popped out. Many folks thought it was a fashion statement. For others, it confirmed their suspicion that I am a weirdy. I commend those who wear these seeing specs as they can be quite bothersome. They got crushed playing football and nearly melted in the sauna. They limit your peripheral vision and can make one’s face heavier. Nonetheless, I felt like I understood the agitation that poor vision can bring.

1. Glasses are an extension of one’s body. People who wear them, like me, understand.
2. Some people, like me, look better with glasses.

The 20/20 Hipster

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